Field Status
Click on each field name for more information and directions.
Rules for Field Closure
The goal is to make sure the fields are safe for the players and that the fields won’t get damaged. Once they are damaged they will stay that way for the season. The City can close the fields or leave it to the MYS discretion. If the City notify us of closures before the times listed below, we will update the website. If the notification comes after those times, we will also communicate directly with the teams who are impacted.
If left to MYS:
- Weekdays - Status is updated on the website by 3pm.
- Weekends - Early Games - Status is updated by 7am for all games before 12:00 noon.
- Weekends - Afternoon Games - Status is updated by 10am for all games at or after 12:00 noon.
Coaches and Referees may also cancel events if:
- the weather turns bad
- there are puddles / standing water in multiple areas on your field
- otherwise unsafe conditions.
About MYS
Marlboro Youth Soccer is a nonprofit organization offering youth soccer programs to boys and girls in Marlborough, Massachusetts since 1970. Programs include in-town play and skills development programs and more competitive BAYS travel teams for 4th-12th graders.
Contact Info